Category: News

Calvary 24/7 ED

Following our tour of the Calvary Adelaide Emergency Department in late 2023 see the attached PDF resource for helpful information. 24/7 Care Flyer

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Save the Dates

The dates for our SASNA Member meetings are set for 2024.  Put these in you calendars now as we would love to network with you

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Welcome to 2024

Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you in good health, high spirits, and surrounded by the warmth of your loved ones. As we

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Cedar Health Page

How important is health education in schools? Well, the nurses at Cedar College feel it is extremely important not only for students, but also for

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SASNA Research Article

When Florence Nightingale first theorized how best to care for patients in the Crimean War of the 1850’s, considering detailed data she had meticulously collected

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